Monday, March 13, 2006

We need some magic!

You know when your toddler is sick when:
  1. he wakes up a couple of times at night asking for water
  2. he doesn't care which channel the tv is tuned to
  3. whatever Mama does is not right
  4. he insists that Ribena is equivalent to milk
  5. he violently objects to Abang & Kakak sitting near Mama (even at arm's length)
  6. it is so difficult to persuade him to take his paracetamol but you know he loves all kind of medication and;
  7. he clings to Mama all the time (and this is when you feel most appreciated and loved...)

I hope Amir will get well soon. Adam has been sick since his Sports Day, and just went to school for only a day last week. It's the school holidays, and we haven't been anywhere except to Atuk & Wan's house (for a cousin's wedding nearby). Other than that, Mama has big plans of going to the Science Center and Aquaria. But then,

"Mama, apasal mommy orang lain semua cuti...and Mama still go to work?"

Sigh...and Papa can't even consider taking a day off! It's hell at his office. Perhaps Papa can do some "magic" and take time off to be with the kids?

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