Monday, January 14, 2008

Dreadful encounter of the lifts kind...

Lately I don't feel like going to my office at all. The lifts are horrendous!! It feels like hours just waiting for the lift from the basement, and with my aching back, I just can't stand it anymore. Actually this has been going on for months, and for every trip down or up the building, you have to do it reversely.

Example, during lunch time - you must press up to avoid the down crowd coming from the upper floors. So you have to bear the trip for another 13 floors up and down with potential stops at each floor. Otherwise, you will end up with a full lift everytime. Sigh!

I shall avoid working in KL as much as I possibly could. Imagine the possiblity of having my contractions in the office, and my gynae is 38km away plus the lift conditions and traffic?

Every single night is a restless night. I'm feeling mild contractions, and sometimes movement that can be equated to touching an electric eel!

On top of that, my boss think I should postpone my delivery! Hark!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ah Lan Wa Sah Lan 1429H

Ma'assalamah 1428!

Punya lah lama Mama tak update blog - was so busy catching up with things and managing my pregnancy (especialy at nights when I get utterly uncomfortable and breathless with backaches and too much sommersaults in the tummy). The pregancy is already 33 weeks, but according to my oby-gynae, the baby's size is 35 weeks. Betul ke ni? Patut la tak larat and termengah-mengah aje.

I'm due perhaps in one month, and this morning one of my directors are asking if I could postpone my delivery he he.. This year my job will be tougher as we have new investor coming in and scrutinizing our pipelines. Ye lah, nak go listing mestilah kena ada healthy pipeline kan.

On top of it, my current customer from hell still tak moh go live with the project. Entah apa lah yang dia orang nak kita pun tak tau. Requirement asyik bertambah, last-last we end up doing charity work instead. Penat you.

Aina dah masuk primary one, it was a breeze sending her to school. I'm more worried of Adam who's already in primary four tapi perangai macam budak-budak lagi. It's a long time for him to be matured, unlike Aina who can already absorb some responsibilities.

The worst is to handle Amir's fear of separation. He's in pre-school now and everytime he comes back home from school, he swears that he'll never go to school again. And it's still difficult to send him in the morning, so I had to do it instead of his dad.

Back at home, my left-side neighbour just menimang cucu last month. My right-side neighbor just adopted a 6-month old girl, and sebelah that neighbor just delivered a baby girl a few days back. So it's baby-blues along my row of neighbors. Come February, insya'allah we'll have another.