Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My Angel

This is my little angel, my loyal assistant and my only girl. My mom said she looks exactly like me when I was little. I don't know to what degree that is, but she definitely inherits the father's nose. My nose is flat and ugly...and I'm lucky to have married someone with "hidung mancung", hoping that trait would be soon passed down to the little ones. Naah...only my girl got it...so the boys are stuck with Mama's nose.

One thing I notice about girls is that they tend to mature faster than the boys. At 4, Aina is already reliable in assisting me at home. She would help me fetch the towel, diaper and bath needs for his little brother Amir. She'd even do the chores that I asked Adam to do, which ended up with them fighting. But then, Adam did "dilly-dellying" what ever I asked him to do. Seeing the frustration of me waiting, Aina would voluntarily finish Adam's chores, and that's what I like about Aina - no fuss and no complaints.

On the other hand, the big boy Adam still behaves like a baby. I wonder is it the same with other boys his age? Or is it due to me "manjaing" him so much? He only got his baby sister when he's 3+, while Aina got his baby brother at the age of 2+. I guess the "gap" factor plays a role here, and I think Aina matures faster because of the Amir's arrival.

Frankly, I miss Aina's "babyness" because of the short gap. I couldn't really enjoy her toddder years because of my difficult pregancy. I didn't have much time to cuddle and snuggle with Aina with all the Chicken-pox, dehydration, kidney-stone problems that I had while carrying Amir. And now, she's a big girl, learning the ways of the women in my family from her Wan and aunties; Mak, Atih, Atam & Acik. Most importantly, I know she'll take after her mother, so I need to set really good examples and behavior to prepare her for the world...

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