Friday, March 10, 2006

The First Time

Hey! Other people have blogs! I should have one too, so that my kids can read all mama's mumblings here rather than in their ears - they wouldn't remember unrecorded mumblings now anyways. When they grow up, they would find this amusing I hope, as this would be the official documentation of Mama's life now.

Secondly, I'm also paranoid in a way. Life is too short these days. I'm afraid I might go first before my kids get the chance to know their mama better. So perhaps the ramblings here might help to a certain degree. Watching Stepmom (Susan Sarandon & Julia Roberts), really touched deep down there..not to mention the unstoppable tears. So, that actually contributes to the starting of this blog too.

And finally, I'm always envious of those writers out there, who could just conjure up any story they want. I wish to be one of them and this is my training ground, I hope!

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