Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Of Kekasih, Passion & Interests

On the subject of Kekasih, my latest pursuit of happiness about this subject comes in the form a horror serial on TV3. Normally, I only watch interesting Malay movies & series, and my opinion is that the filmmakers and screenwriters in Malaysia are getting better now. Kekasih Ku Seru comes with an interesting plot and cinematography, and for the past 3 months Mama has always been looking forward to Thursdays. It’s just that this serial always have some new upturn in the story line that makes me wanting to find out more. The best part is my princess Aina will always remind me every Wednesdays to make sure I come back early on Thursdays. And on Thursday afternoons, she will call me to remind me again.

Somehow my boys become so penakut lately. Everytime we watch it, Adam & Amir will be under their pillows, and Amir insists not to sit nearest to the window. He he..I guess he doesn’t want to see glimpses of Waris there.

Actually, Mama pun penakut with all these horror flicks, but since the actors are all familiar faces in the local movie scenes, Mama pun dah tak seram lagi. In fact, the first few series really made me jumped off my seats and woke Aisha up because of my terperanjatness. The horror scenes are almost equal of those Korean horror stuff.

On a serious note about it, it provides subliminal messages about the culture we Malay folks tend to inherit. The stereotypes, the black magic (Saka) that some people may not understand and how it is forced on to the descendants. While watching it, do remind your kids about the background of black magic and how we shouldn’t be influenced about it. Do watch it, and this week will be the series finale. You can catch the back episodes on TV3 website. Hmm, TV3 should gimme credit for promoting this.


Moving on…my real Kekasih actually surprised me with a gift last week, as I just got my birthday present in August. You see, my Kekasih is hardly around with me and kids. He’s always working, and working, and seeing clients, and entertaining…hopefully jangan salah entertain la. The average time he’ll be home on a weekday would be at 11pm. I do envy some people who always have their husbands around, cooking together or just be home having dinner like the ideal family. So, when he comes back early, it would be a nice surprise.

Really, I have to make appointments to see him during workdays and even weekends activities have to be booked. So, we always try to make it up by having breakfast or lunch anytime our schedule can accommodate. It’s kinda fun too, because we are like “curi-curi” jumpa. I guess the gift was to make up for all the time he’s not around, and for the times that I feel like I’m the only parent for the 4As.

Guess which one of those 3 at the bottom was the gift last week?


I’m on to a new project (that I like doing). Now looking for ideas and concepts for my cousin’s wedding in December. My other interest is to gubah hantaran and floral arrangements. And since my youngest Acik & Achu are not showing any sign of settling down yet, I look forward to any opportunity to help decorate the wedding hantaran.

In fact, I’m onto decorating the girls’ room also. So many things planned in my head, yet very little time I have. Been wanting to go to SSF to get new flowers as well as I want to re-do my living hall’s floral arrangement. Which reminds me of the time we had our flower shop. I have been out of touch doing the floral arrangement which I used to do with my partner at the shop and it’s always fun having to arrange all the big orders for all the datins in Shah Alam. Let’s see what I want to do this time. Should I stick to the old English or classic theme, or get more vibrant colors for my all brown & earthy-toned hall?

We used to give themes to our promotioal events, like this round was 'Simply Magical'. I'm thinking of having some of these concepts in my new arrangements.

And we also named our arrangements, so that it will inject some buying psychology. Like this one above was Summer in Cambridge

This one was Sunshine Dream

I forgot the name to this one as this was an order from one datin.

Forgot this one too.

Pink & Roses

Summer in Cambridge II

Montana Summer
Romance & Passion
I miss those days, when it was tiring but fun selling all those arrangements & pots & hampers. I think when I have the right partner who is as talented as my previous one, I think I want to do it again..


nus said...

1)the left one was the new one kan??klu xmo rolex..gimme..
2)bile masa mama update new entry ni..panjang berjela..tgh meeting ek??hahaha..
3)pliz do not too focus of our cousin's hantaran..nti my turn plak..mama xde idea..hehe...

Makbudak said...

1) Misti mau, dah bagi misti simpan
2) I jot down my thots in notepads dulu, then baru post, this one panjang berjela coz since last week nak post
3) Your concept sure lain punya

ms hart said...

Ha!!! Yes, I remember you were promoting your flower shop in the e-group! I suka, tau. If only your shop were near, I'd be your loyal customer!! And, you'd definitely get a free PR service from me!!! he he I love promoting my friends' business ke, talents ke. Those days when Zel had a preschool here, she called me her unofficial and sukarelawan PRO!!!

Anonymous said...

sunshine dream sesuai utk imej baru umah mama. Tukar pasu jerr(tapi mana nak letak?)

Makbudak said...

Rasa macam nak buat Romance & Passion besar gedabak he he..

Anonymous said...

eh silap..bukan sunshine dream tapi gambar bwh sunshine dream

Makbudak said...

Nanti bila dah buka kedai balik, sure I get u to become my PR manager ;-)