Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bad Parenting

Lately, Adam is being difficult with his homework that I'm forced to threat him rather than encourage. I have ran out of positive enforcement ideas to stimulate this little guy and beginning to think that some teachings by some motivational personality are only idealistic, and not practical enough to be applied to kids like mine.

May be I'm not trying hard enough, may be I'm just an impatient mom whose had enough at work and merely dumping the pressure on the boy. On Tuesday, I have come to the point of forcing him to finish his homework through his own tears. The punishment for not finishing is that I would be ignoring him for the rest of his life, that I would never talk to him again ever. He was weeping all along while finishing the assignment. He had to make sure that Mama will still care for him, and frantically rushed through his work, with tears flowing down his chubby little cheeks.

Deep inside I regretted for bruising his ego and reaping off his sense of belonging. Now this damage is bad, really bad. I shared my worry with Papa, but he said I'm merely trying to meet deadlines. Papa doesn't seem to be worried at all.

I wonder if this would really scar his love for me? I'm trying to show that family love is unconditional, yet by doing this, I am actually going against my own principle, wrecking the entire foundation of love and trust in my own flesh and blood. Gosh, parenting is really a difficult responsibility!

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