1. I’m generally a happy person and I always think people have good intentions all the time.
2. Not good at making small talk to new-found acquaintance. I don’t know how I ended up in sales.
3. Every year after leaving school, without fail, I have nightmares of sitting for my SPM exams, and that IS REALLY a nightmare I tell you!
4. Which reminds me of my other nightmare when I was small I was lost on an island and found myself a sacrifice to talking head statue – the same statue I found at “The Aloha” pub & restaurant on Jalan P.Ramlee. Weird, too much Hawaii Five-O perhaps?
5. I’m forever banned from anything shellfish like prawns and crabs. My body just can’t take it (just like
Auntida). I’ve tried out-growing this intolerance since I was small, and have managed to overcome intolerance to chicken, mussels, squids, ikan tenggiri, ikan kembong and the likes. But I still can’t fight prawns and crabs, they are the most lethal. I can’t even hold them at all coz a drop of their fluid will make my hands itch. That bad…
6. I ‘m a fan of the late Sudirman Hj Arshad, and was in constant communication with him until I left for the States. My letters to him were not so much a fan-mail, but more to a friend’s letter, which explained why I received his replies faster than a usual fan-mail. I regretted for not continuing the relationship…now must dig all those letters.
7. According to my husband, the reason why he noticed me in a wedding crowd is because I have a big head. Duh! I thought it was my sweet sexy lips.
8. I love theater – during our courting days, our usual date would be going out to the theater. I found out 5 years later that he hates it! Just doing it for the sake of going out with me.
9. I once was hit by the yellow fever – when I was 16 I liked everything yellow, from my toothbrush, to my shoes, my shirts, everything small, etc…
10. Now I prefer more earth-toned colors.
11. I have an addiction to cod-liver oil capsules; I love to chew them and purposely overdosing it.
12. Whenever I drive home from a late night at work especially around midnight, I avoid looking at the rear mirror. I use the side mirrors instead for fear of having the close encounter of the next dimension.
13. I have yet to fulfill one of my husband’s many desires (do not question what it is…)
14. Slow drivers on the fast lane really irritate me. If I’m late for something, I would tail closely behind them and force them out of the lane. Cruel and dangerous, yeah, I know.
15. Until now I still have problems stepping on the grass, attribute it to fear of paying fines back in high-school because I had limited funds with my allowance back then.
16. I don’t know why I was elected President of the Drama Club when I was in pre-uni days, I couldn’t even act or sing for that matter. Come to think of it, maybe THAT was the reason I got elected – everyone else was acting, no one to do the paperwork. But then, why did I join the club in the first place?
17. At work, I perform better under pressure. Translation – procrastinator.
18. Cooking is my other passion, but lack the time and energy doing it, mostly the preparing & cleaning bit.
19. I hardly travel because I don’t have the heart leaving my young ones behind, but taking them along also requires a lot of energy.
20. I multitask most of my time; attend meeting while face-booking and doing proposals at the same time, driving while teaching my kids reading and a whole lot other things.
21. There are still 3 un-finished books of various genres that I bought 6 months back – which explains my lack of free time.
22. Not a sport person either – the only game I think I’m good is ping-pong, and ironically my street name is also named after it.
23. My whole body is aching due to a mere lack of exercise – been telling myself to do this time and time again. Must catch up with hubby who’s already starting to do this and watch his diet.
24. I have always been an independent person/mother that sometimes I think my hubby is taking advantage of this, betul ke Yang?
25. Wonder who really came up with this “tagging” thingy – it took me almost a month to do this – 1 item per day, and mostly procrastination, thank you very much.
And now, the honors go to
Mummy Ranger and
Dilla, with perhaps some other people in FB.