Friday, February 27, 2009

My Late Bloomer

If I calculate the number of waking hours in a working day, it’d be only about 4-5 hours that I get to spend with my little pumpkin Aisha. So, imagine the reluctance of me waking up in the morning just to go to work. Once I’m all cuddled up with her under the bed covers, it’s all warm and fuzzy. The smell of her slightly sweaty hair plus the remains of the already dried up baby formula around her lips, though some kind of sour, it’s enough to leave my nostrils stuck on her forehead forever. It’s difficult to let go. Baby smell is the most wonderful smell, and I’m enjoying it most with her because I will not get to enjoy another of my own baby after this.

Now Aisha is already 1 year old, and yet she’s taking her own sweet time to grow up. She hasn’t got any tooth yet, compared to her brothers and sister, who got their first when they were about 6 or 7 months old. And she only started crawling only about two weeks ago though she’s already making her baby steps way before she crawled by hanging on to the sofas and table.

Perhaps another reason for being late is purely for me to take pleasure of her infancy. It’s such a great feeling being around her after a long day at work. She’s getting cheekier by the day, especially after her birthday, giggling her heart out when Papa tickles her tummy and demanding to be tossed in the air often times. A great stress reliever.

She’s learning fast too, picking up a trick or two in a day from her siblings. Before I knew it, she’d be another Amir…gosh I hope not. I hope she turns out more like Aina, sweet and polite, but she needs to be a little chirpy which I think there’s no problem of doing that . Anyway, just want to wish my little baby girl a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

My wish for you pumpkin is that life will be kind to you,
yet you will go through hardship, but you’ll learn from it as life is never fair.
I wish that you don’t have to face all the cruelties in the world,
but you’ll be aware of them and learn to give, forgive and forget.
I wish that you will achieve your dreams,
but you’ll climb the mountains to reach it with all your might.
Most of all my darling, I wish that you will never forget your mighty creator in all your endeavors.

We all love you very much!


linikazim said...

I hear you, Ha. How I wish Tasha is still a baby. Instead she is 8 turning 18.

Happy Birthday little girl. Stay little.

Makbudak said...

Lini, I can't imagine how you're coping up with her accelerated maturity.. but I'm sure behind all those glam, she's still a little girl in her own way.

Mummy Ranger said...

totally agree wif u..for me baby smell can be addictive..balik keje terus je nak cium especially kat leher dia...hehe..

btw, aisha looks like u. me n wizma only jumpe adam n aina when they were still in diapers n now both of them dah besar panjang. how time flies...

Makbudak said...

Hi Kim, thanks for dropping by.

Yup...I really enjoy the smell no matter how "pungent" is is, kan?

And yes, we haven't meet for such a long time. One of these days we should organize some makan-makan again :-)

Anonymous said...

ni yg wat atam tak sabar nak tunggu bby kuar nih..insyaAllah..this time slamatlah bby atam.amin!

Makbudak said...

Ameen... hope no complications for you Atam, nak dapat baby comey mucuk-mucuk..

nus said...

comey mocuk mucuk like acik...lalalla