Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Adjusting back

It has been a week since school starts but it's still difficult for Amir to get back into his school routine.

This is pre-dominantly due to the change in his transport schedule going home. Normally either Papa or Mama will send him in the mornings (though of course he prefers me to send him everyday but that's not cost effective because I have to make a big round going back past the house to go to work, while Papa's office is just almost in front of his school) and he'll go back via a school-van.

Last year the van route was not complex, so he could reach home in only half-an-hour. This year, we almost had to charter a cab for him because we couldn't find a van that has a short route so that he could be home at least by 1pm (pre-school finishes at 12pm). Luckily, end of last week, we managed to get one who could send him before 1pm. So, the whole of last week Papa had to fetch him in between his meetings.

But of course, the little boy complains and nags the whole time.. even up to the point that he doesn't want to go to school at all. His criteria was that there should only be at least 3 people in the van that driver needs to send. I had to explain and justify to him all sort of reasons why he needs to take a van and share it with other kids...

So this week the challenge is to wake him up and entice him for school. Last night he nagged me for nasi beriani just because his friend had that packed by the mom for snacks in school. So after picking up the big kids from Kumon, we went hunting for nasi beriani in the vicinity as Mama had a bad headache and couldn't go that far to his favorite JM Beriani. Lucky there was some left over for him for breakfast this morning, so he went off to school with a happy face though very very late because he insisted for second helpings.

Whadya he came home excited to show me his arts & craft piece. I hope he'll still be interested to go tomorrow :-)


Anonymous said...

owh..amir..amir..mana aci naik van 3 org aje..

nus said...

ini budak plg byk songeh!!