Friday, September 26, 2008

Anxiety in the Air

My sister went and check with the tailor last nite - our baju raya are not even cut yet!!!!

Now I'm in no mood for raya, infact have been in no mood since I was maidless.

But, hey, tomorrow is the Day - the new maid is coming via Port Klang. Now I'm getting nervous. Would she be a good helper? Would she treat my kids right? Would she know how to take care of them? Would she be hygienic? Would she.....??

It's the same old feeling again, every time we're taking in a new person. Only tawakal and lots of do'a that I could do.

Let's see how tomorrow turns out, insya'allah if there's tomorrow.


Adillah A Nordin said...

Good Luck with the new maid!!

ms hart said...

Ha, yea, you need all the luck! InsyaAllah, pray for the kids.

Selamat Hari Raya to you and family (with or without that new baju at the tailor!! he he) & Maaf Zahir Batin.