Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Boys will be boys

I came home about 8pm yesterday, greeted by a little miss reporter, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Abaaaang! Ammmmirrr! Mama dah balik!!!"

"Mama tau tak, tadikan, masa Aina ngaji, Abang ngan Amirkan put songkok and put fish dalam songkok, bawak keluar atas carpet sampai basah-basah carpet and then put back again dalam aquarium Papa!"

Me, "Abaaaaaang! Ammmmiirrr! Come here!!!!"

No wonder when I was outside just now I saw the carpet on the bench. I thought Amir must have spilled something.

"Mama upset ni!" and I pinched both of them.

"I don't know...when Papa come home nanti, u all kena..."

And I went upstairs and took my shower before both of them got more scolding from me. Let the father handle it lah, it's his aquarium by the way. But I'm so upset they spoiled their songkoks.

At 11pm, both of them were nervous already. "Amir takut la Mama!"

"Tu lah, sapa suruh naughty-naughty...I don't know..."

Lucky for them, Papa came back at 12:15am, all of them were already asleep. And Papa found this report card in his closet.


Anonymous said...

kakakakkakakaka....adoii....tak tahan mak!!!

Anonymous said...

kikikikiiii....mmgler deme.agak2 sape tulis note tu..atam teka miss reporter