Friday, December 15, 2006

Pet Commentary

A visit to Pet Safari last Sunday ended up with 3 hamsters and a habit-trail (the cage) which costed me a single room in a 4-star hotel for the entire package.

Well, somebody really really really begged for a pet, and after a series of promises like:

"Abang bagi makan hamster!"

"Abang promise to wash the cage!"

"Amir put air kat hamster!"

so we decided to put some responsibilities in the kids. Aina initially wanted a tortoise, but we figured we'll end up with too many habitats to take care of. So hamster it was.

We got 2 male hamsters and 1 female. Abang named his male hamster "Shark", Aina wanted a white hamster, so she named him "Racer" and Amir, simply named his girl "Tikus".

Unfortunately, Racer was the more dominant male, trying to outcast Shark, he bit and fought till Shark went bleeding all over and died on the second day. We learned our lesson, not to take two males at once.

By the third day it looks like its Papa who is doing the feeding and water-level checking all the time..

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