My grief is like the ocean, sorrow coming in like waves,
sometimes gentle like a ripple on the sea.
Other times it just engulfs me with crushing waves of sadness
and undertows of despair pull down on me.
Ferna Lary Mills No words can match the grief of a mother who was weeping over the loss of her child in front of your eyes. I can’t help but wept along silently as the child is of the same age as mine. My tears even ran faster when my friend moaned about not having anybody sharing her coloring and doodling hobby anymore. My throat lumped when I wanted to console her. I put up a brave face and said that Allah loves him more, it’s the only thing I could say to my dear friend. I don’t know how and what else to say as it is unbearingly painful to see the little boy lying there, so pure and peaceful, ready to be returned back to his Creator.
I can’t imagine how I would react if Allah were to test me like this. It was a long time ago when I dealt with death of a close family member. It was my younger sister who passed away when she was 8 months old, and I was 12 that time. Even then, the sorrow was so engulfing, that I also couldn’t bear saying goodbye.
I admired the courage and composure that both my friends (the parents) have. I guess both of them have finally came to terms and redha’ that whatever test Allah has given us, there will always be a hikmah to it. May Allah grants them and their children the strength to weather the days ahead, may He provides them prolonged peace of the hearts and may He rewards them with patience and blessings throughout their lives.