Tuesday, August 14, 2007


So my little gardening plan didn't work out as planned. I succumbed to the ever passionate call of my bed...what with the rumbling tummy and a seriously lack of appetite for anything.

Ah yes...my terrible first trimester. I hope it'll last soon. I can't be missing dinner all the time. Truth is, I don't think I can ever put anything in my mouth after maghrib. It'll just feel like a terrible boat ride in a stormy sea and thundering monsoon typhoon. Any unnatural smell will invoke the wildest uproar in the tummy, and yes, lunch and everything else will come out as those disgusting fragments you see on CSI.

This just doesn't happen now. It happened throughout my other three pregnancies. Some people claim that each pregancy is different. Hey! Not with me. It's almost the same throughout.

I'm into the second trimester soon...I just wish all the pungent taste in my mouth will go away soon. I want to be eating properly. I want to enjoy this pregnancy. I want to be having the drive and energy again as I have got a lot of grand and small plans in my mind. I wish...I wish...I wish..

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